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글자색 변경 화이트 블랙 문자 크기 변경 Language 日本語 English 繁體字 한국어 비에이를 알자 5분 만에 알 수 있는 비에이 봄 여름 가을 겨울 역사 가고싶은곳찿기 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 지도 길찾기 테마로 검색하기 청의호수 언덕을 둘러보기 비에이밀을 사용한 음식점 우천시 관광지 벚꽃 명소 이벤트 관광명소일람 비에이에 가는 방법・관광하는 방법 버스로 관광하기 도는방법 액세스 체험・신착 정보 인증가이드 프로그램 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 신착 정보 신착 정보 여행사・미디어용 정보 여행사・교통사업자 여러분께 미디어 관계의 여러분에게 관광협회에 대해서 개인 정보 보호 정책 면책사항 문의하기 자주 묻는 질문 팜플렛 문의하기 문의하기 글자색 변경 화이트 블랙 문자 크기 변경 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 가을 비에이초 관광협회 > 日本一早い紅葉の絶景! ミニミニ十勝岳トレッキング Hills Painted by Autumn Colours Creative colours woven by Mother Nature 1Three seasons in one?! Biei&#8217;s Autumn Foliage When you think of scenery that exemplifies autumn in Japan, you may think of autumn leaves. However, Biei&#8217;s autumn foliage is distinctively different. First, from late September through to October, autumn leaves that could be considered the &#8220;standard issue&#8221; autumn leaves spread over Biei&#8217;s hills. The red and yellow leaves of broadleaf trees, such as maple, mountain grape, mountain ash, Mongolian oak, and birch mix in with the green of evergreen trees. It all starts off at high altitudes and gradually descends to the foothills. But not to be missed is the autumn coloration of the larch tree. The larch tree&#8217;s autumn foliage is a rare thing, visible only for a very short time after every last broadleaf tree&#8217;s leaves have fallen. In Japanese, the larch is known as the &#8220;karamatsu&#8221; and its name written in traditional Chinese characters spells out &#8220;pine that drops its needles&#8221;. As its name would suggest, it is a rare type of pine that loses its leaves. Among Japanese conifers, the larch appears to be the only one that drops its needles. During a short period lasting a week to ten days from late October through to the start of November, the leaves on the larch trees all change to yellow at the same time before shedding their needles. Among Biei&#8217;s hills, they play the part of windbreakers, often standing in a straight line along the highest ridge of a hill. When they all change colour at the same time, a golden orange haze spreads out over the horizon as far as the eye can see. At their feet is a carpet of fresh green autumn-sown wheat shoots. In the distance, the Tokachi Mountain Range, capped with the first pure white snows, towers over the spectacle. The contrast of three colours&#8211; the green of new shoots, the gold of autumn leaves and the white of the snow&#8211; is spectacular, marrying three seasonal colours that would not normally be witnessed together at the same time. We recommend that you sear the memory of this one-time miracle into your heart. 2Where to See Biei&#8217;s Autumn Colours ●Shirogane Blue Pond Shirogane Blue Pond, where visitors gather by the hundreds in summer. However, a little-known fact is that the Blue Pond is also a fine spot for autumn leaves. When the colour of the leaves are coupled with the calming blue of the water&#8217;s surface, it creates a unique palette of colours that cannot be seen in summer. Early October is a great time to see autumn leaves here at the Blue Pond, when the broadleaf trees that surround it change colour. ○Shirahige Waterfall Shirahige Waterfall is located just a 5 minute drive away from Shirogane Blue Pond. Considered one of Biei Shirogane Onsen&#8217;s tourism spots, from the bridge spanning the gorge you can also see the &#8220;Blue River&#8221;, the source of the Blue Pond. This is a truly luxurious autumn leaf-viewing spot where you can see both a waterfall and autumn colours at the same time! It&#8217;s marvellous to look down at autumn colours from an elevation of around 500m~600m above sea level. ●Mt. Tokachi Observation Platform Mt. Tokachi Observation Platform is located at around 950m above sea level, roughly halfway up the 2077m tall Mt. Tokachi. That&#8217;s 700m higher than Biei Station, which is at 250m above sea level. The charm of this spot is the fact that you can take in a panorama of the autumn colours of the Daisetsuzan Mountains, said to be the earliest autumn colours in all Japan. The footpath here is not paved and the rocks are uneven underfoot, so please be sure to wear sensible shoes for walking. ○Roadside Station Shirogane Birke Biei&#8217;s second roadside station opened in 2018, &#8220;Shirogane Birke&#8220;. Along the direct road linking the roadside station and Shirogane Blue Pond, you can enjoy some beautiful autumn scenery. At Biei Roadside Station Shirogane Birke, you can pick up rental bikes, so please feel the pleasant breeze and enjoy the autumn scenery to your heart&#8217;s content!   3Experience Programs for Enjoying Autumn Leaves ●Mt. Tokachi Mini Trekking From the start of September, the mountain foliage turns to bright colours. Reds, yellows and greens&#8211; these three colours unfold before your eyes. (Peak Colours: End of Sep ~ Early Oct) Hill Town Biei DMO are pleased to offer a program where you can enjoy a panorama of autumn colours. Set off from the observation platform halfway up Mt. Tokachi and enjoy an hour of mini trekking in Daisetsuzan National Park. We highly recommend this experience for those who want to feel the thrill of trekking on Mt. Tokachi, a live volcano! The goal of this trekking is not the mountain&#8217;s summit, but more to enjoy the walking routes midway up the mountain so even if it is your first time trekking, you&#8217;ll be able to take part with peace of mind. ◆Click here for more info! →Mt. Tokachi Mini Trekking ●Patchwork Hills Walking Tour Enjoy a walk while taking in Biei&#8217;s patchwork hills. You can enjoy the colourful hill scenery to your heart&#8217;s content! Won&#8217;t you come for a wander with us to refresh your heart and your body? From late October to early November, you can see larch autumn foliage. Walking as we admire the autumn colours! You can take lots of photos, too! ◆Click here for more info! ↓ Patchwork Hills Walking Tour (Takushinkan Course) Patchwork Hills Walking Tour (San-ai-no-Oka Course) Please come and see Biei&#8217;s autumn colours, brightening our town before we are plunged into a long winter of pure white. シェアする Tweet « 이전 기사로 목록으로 돌아가기 다음 기사로 » 홋카이도카미카와군비에이초모토마치1쵸메2-14시키노정보관안내소 전화:(81)166-92-4378 비에이를 알자 5분 만에 알 수 있는 비에이 봄 여름 가을 겨울 역사 가고싶은곳찿기 식사 숙박 온천 관광스팟 체험 쇼핑 생활 지도 길찾기 테마로 검색하기 청의호수 언덕을 둘러보기 비에이밀을 사용한 음식점 우천시 관광지 벚꽃 명소 이벤트 관광명소일람 비에이에 가는 방법・관광하는 방법 버스로 관광하기 도는방법 액세스 체험・신착 정보 인증가이드 프로그램 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다 신착일람 여행사・미디어용 정보 여행사・교통사업자 여러분께 미디어 관계의 여러분에게 관광협회에 대해서 개인 정보 보호 정책 면책사항 お問い合せ 자주 묻는 질문 팜플렛 문의하기 © 2024 一般社団法人 美瑛町観光協会

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