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順天堂大学医学部附属練馬病院診療科・部門がん治療センター Cancer Treatment Center Cancer Treatment Center 診療科紹介スタッフの紹介医療従事者向け研修会化学療法室放射線治療・放射線診断緩和ケア室 診療機能がん相談支援センター患者・家族ミニレクチャー&交流会東京都医療連携手帳Cancer Treatment Center Welcome to the Cancer Treatment Center of Juntendo University Nerima Hospital. Our Cancer Treatment Center was established in 2005 and our doctors, nurses, and staff are dedicated to healing patients. We aim to deliver the best possible care to patients for outpatient chemotherapy and other support services. Our hospital was accredited as a "Tokyo-designated Cancer Treatment Hospital" in 2010.Medical servicesThe Cancer Treatment Center supports the care of cancer patients with outpatient chemotherapy, palliative care, and other support services. We manage an outpatient chemotherapy room, which has 19 chairs and 1 bed. We seek to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy so that treatments can be continued with fewer delays or interruptions. We help those who have undergone chemotherapy with comfort. Our palliative care team improves the quality of life of patients through early supportive care. We provide therapies such as nutrition, pain management, and rehabilitation throughout chemotherapy. The Cancer Treatment Center has a support section (Ganchiryo-renkeisitu & Kanja-sodansitu) for patients and their families. Patients can consult with a palliative care nurse and a clinical psychologist of this section. Appointments can be made by the phone.We hold gatherings for patients and their families nearly once a month on Saturday afternoon. We provide advice on nutrition, palliative care, rehabilitation, cosmetic support, finance, and other topics that are beneficial.Our hospital has participated in the Hospital-based Cancer Registry (Innai-gantoroku) since 2011, and the Population-based Cancer Registry (Zennkoku-gantoroku) since 2016 (advanced information 1).Diagnosis and treatment policyWe listen to the questions of patients, review their health histories and provide the best treatment for them and their families. With recent advances in the development of new anticancer drugs, chemotherapy for cancers has been established as the standard therapy in the guidelines. We obtain information on the effects of these treatment approaches in order to ensure that the patient receives the best cancer chemotherapy. Our goal is not just to fight cancer, but also to ensure that the patient is comfortable during their treatment. The palliative care team-approach means a patient's support team includes not only the attending doctors and nurses, but cancer specialists in psychology, social work, nutrition, finance, and other areas.Target diseasesWe support cancer patients and their families.Clinical experiencesWe administer chemotherapy to approximately 400 outpatients, perform palliative care for approximately 10 inpatients, and have consultations with approximately 80 patients and families at the support section (Ganchiryo-renkeisitu & Kanja-sodansitu) every month.Advanced information1.National Cancer Center (Center for Cancer Control and Information Service)  website (https://www.ncc.go.jp/en/cis/divisions/stat/index.html) Hospital-based Cancer Registry (HBCR) The operation of HBCR is mandated in all designated cancer care hospitals (DCCH) and also, the Cancer Registry Act encourages all specialized cancer hospitals to operate hospital-based cancer registries. In the report of 2015 cases, 427 DCCHs and 318 other hospitals submit their data for the report. In total, it is estimated that about 80% of the incident cases in Japan is covered by the HBCR report. The Center lead the compilation of data and production of such reports.Also, under the Health Ministry Guidance for HBCR, the Center are expected to set the standards for the operation of the hospital-based registries. Starting 2016 cases, HBCR collects 99 items including patient, cancer, and first-course treatment information as well as route of arrival. The Center organizes a specialized committee to discuss the details of the rules and standards of the hospital-based cancer registration.To ensure and improve the data quality, the Center organizes training programs for tumor registrars. These programs include a week-long workshops for experts in Tokyo (4 times per year), and e-learning programs for beginners, and data analysis workshop. The Center also provide certification examinations for tumor registrars. Population-based Cancer RegistriesThe Division has continuously exerted efforts to develop a reliable cancer surveillance system in Japan, which is stated as a key element in the Cancer Control Act. The Division supports all these 47 registries, by disseminating up-to-date information through websites and mailing lists; by setting up a Q&A service; by holding 2-day educational workshops for cancer registrars and administrative officers in charge of cancer control who were new to their post in May; and organizing 2-day advanced educational workshops, attended by over 120 participants, in December. The Division also provided site visiting as part of the training for the Standard Database System (SDS), for promoting the protection of personal information, and for cancer registry start-up preparation. This activity supported a total of 17 prefectures this year. Forty-two registries had introduced the SDS as of January 2015. The self-check software on security control in cancer registration and security educational materials for new workers were updated and provided by the division. According to the Act on Promotion of Cancer Registry enacted in 2013, the division participated in preparations for establishment of the National Cancer Registry Data Center. Specifically, the preparation activities included advice for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, forming the materials and data for discussion, development of the National Cancer Registry System, checking the data of the current regional cancer registries, and visiting prefectures for giving explanations about the act.

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