


出典: 標準

尚絅大学・尚絅大学短期大学部尚絅大学・尚絅大学短期大学部大学案内大学案内使命・目的等大学・短大の歴史学長あいさつ大学評価教員公募情報公表入試情報入試概要入試種別Web出願アドミッション・ポリシー進学ガイダンス出前講義2025年度入学者選抜について(予告)オープンキャンパス入試Q&A納付金学部・学科紹介現代文化学部文化コミュニケーション学科生活科学部栄養科学科こども教育学部こども教育学科短期大学部総合生活学科食物栄養学科幼児教育学科教員一覧就職・キャリアキャリア形成支援・就職支援企業の皆様就職状況データ就職関連リンク就職Q&Aキャンパスライフ年間スケジュール九品寺キャンパス武蔵ヶ丘キャンパスサークル・課外活動学修支援センター学生寮奨学金制度ハラスメント防止ガイドラインハラスメント相談窓口ソーシャルメディア利用のガイドラインキャンパスライフQ&A各種証明書・届・願書地域連携尚絅地域連携推進センター尚絅子育て研究センター尚絅食育研究センター尚絅ボランティア支援センターグローバル化推進センター尚絅公開講座お問い合わせアクセスサイトポリシー 受験生の方在学生の方卒業生の方企業の方 ENGLISHAbout SHOKEIIntroductionCONTENTS About SHOKEIIntroductionHistory of the University and University Junior College Introduction of FacultyFaculty of Contemporary Culture, Department of Cultural CommunicationFaculty of Human Life Science, Department of Nutritional ScienceJunior College, Department of Integrated Career StudiesJunior College, Department of Food and NutritionJunior College, Department of Childhood Education Organization of ResearchShokei Regional Promotion CenterShokei Food Education Research CenterShokei Child Rearing Research CenterShokei Child Rearing Research CenterInternational Exchange Campus LifeKUHONJI CampusMUSASHIGAOKA Campus Facilities and affiliated institutionsLibraryJoran DormitoryShokei University Junior College attached kindergarten Shokei Regional Promotion Center Through efficient usage of the human and intellectual resources of both Shokei University and Shokei University Junior College, we facilitate diverse collaborations with the local society (local public organizations, companies and business operators (including educational institutions), and local residents). Along with supporting the promotion of local industries, culture and education, we contribute to personnel training, town and regional planning through societal contributions, and aim to be a university and junior college with a trustworthy and significant presence in the region. Shokei Food Education Research Center In April 2014 the Shokei Food Education Research Center was set up with the purpose of conducting an overall survey on food education, researching the future prospects for food education in Japan and its regions, contributing to the fulfillment and development of this university’s education, and conveying information to society.Our university is the only private college in the prefecture to have courses that conduct practical education and research related to food and nutrition - Shokei University’s Faculty of Human Life Science Department of Nutritional Science and Shokei University Junior College’s Department of Food and Nutrition. We are working as a whole school to actively facilitate food education while aiming to collaborate and mutually cooperate with regional societies and other research institutions. Shokei Child Rearing Research Center From May 2013 our school’s Child Rearing Research Center (established in June 2000) was progressively reorganized into the “Shokei Child Rearing Research Center”. With this fresh start, we’ve accumulated research results from an even larger number of study fields for research into child growth and child rearing, and we will continue to convey new information into society. This is in response to the deepening and expanding social role that is expected of a school for training childcare teachers.At the Center, it’s been our objective for many years to contribute to local societies through conducting cross-disciplinary surveys and research on child growth and child rearing, focused around researchers of the Department of Childhood Education. We are working towards our Research Center becoming a place for thinking both about important factors and methods in raising children, and we hope to give back our obtained knowledge to society. Shokei Volunteer Support Center The Shokei Volunteer Support Center was opened at the Kuhonji Campus in FY2014.This Center aims to support the independent volunteer activities of students and nurture personnel who can contribute to local society.International Exchange (Introduction of partner universities and programs with those universities) Our school has formed University Exchange Agreements with Tzu Chi University in Taiwan and Induk University in South Korea, and actively carries out student exchanges, short-term language study exchanges, and mutual study tours. We also conduct thorough support for overseas exchange students, such as running Japanese language classes, assigning student tutors (for each student), and providing job-seeking guidance (for those interested).尚絅大学・尚絅大学短期大学部九品寺キャンパスアクセス〒862-8678 熊本市中央区九品寺2丁目6-78TEL:096-362-2011(代表)FAX:096-363-2975(代表)武蔵ヶ丘キャンパスアクセス〒861-8538 熊本県菊池郡菊陽町武蔵ヶ丘北2丁目8-1TEL:096-338-8840(代表)FAX:096-338-9301(代表)尚絅学園尚絅中学・高等学校附属こども園学校法人 尚絅学園© SHOKEI GAKUEN. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.ページトップ

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