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立命館大学 研究者学術情報データベース English>> TOPページ TOPページ > PRESTON Nathaniel H. (最終更新日 : 2023-03-02 11:37:11) プレストン ナサニエル PRESTON Nathaniel H. PRESTON Nathaniel H 所属 文学部 国際文化学域 職名 教授 業績 その他所属 プロフィール 学歴 職歴 委員会・協会等 所属学会 資格・免許 研究テーマ 研究概要 研究概要(関連画像) 現在の専門分野 研究 著書 論文 その他 学会発表 その他研究活動 講師・講演 受賞学術賞 科学研究費助成事業 競争的資金等(科研費を除く) 共同・受託研究実績 取得特許 研究高度化推進制度 教育 授業科目 教育活動 社会活動 社会における活動 研究交流希望テーマ その他 研究者からのメッセージ ホームページ メールアドレス 科研費研究者番号 researchmap研究者コード 外部研究者ID その他所属 1. 文学研究科   学歴 1. 1999/05(学位取得) │ University of Tennessee │ PhD 2. 1994/05(学位取得) │ Ball State University │ MA 3. 1991/06(学位取得) │ Earlham College │ BA 4. ~1994/05 British and American Literature │ English │ Ball State University │ 修了 5. ~1991/06 British and American Literature │ English │ Earlham College │ 卒業 全件表示(6件) 職歴 1. 2017/04/01 ~ Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters, Professor 2. 2012/04 ~ 2017/03/31 Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters, Associate Professor 3. 2009/04 ~ 2012/03 Chuo University, Faculty of Policy Studies, Lecturer 4. 2001/08 ~ 2009/02 University of Tennessee, Writing Specialist, Law School 5. 1999/08 ~ 2009/02 University of Tennessee, Lecturer in English 研究テーマ 1. 19th and 20th century American literature, particularly writers with interests in Asian countries, cultures, and intellectual traditions 2. 20th century Japanese literature, including modern and contemporary novelists 研究概要 Literature of Inter-Cultural ContactAnalyzing and Translating Japanese Literature I am fascinated by the moments when writers encounter cultural boundaries. American writers like Mark Twain and Ellen Glasgow, for instance, have imagined or created their own version of "India" when they developed a personal interest in Hinduism and Buddhism. Likewise, novelists who have immigrated to the United States, such as Bharati Mukherjee, or who are the children of immigrants, such as Jhumpa Lahiri, can see the world through a sort of double cultural perspective. And Japanese writers have similarly constructed an "America" or "West" as they confront recent history and literature. These moments of contact between cultures often tell us much about the narrow or facile judgments that are dictated by the author's milieu, but they can also be occasions when authors display a surprising capacity for generosity, insight, and creative vision. Additionally, my own encounter with Japanese literature has sparked an interest in introducing and translating some Japanese authors who have not yet received proper recognition from English-speaking readers. 現在の専門分野 Indian Philosophy/Buddhism Studies, Japanese Literature, Japanese linguistics, English linguistics (キーワード:English and American Literature Japanese Literature Immigrant Literature Indian Religion and Philosophy) 論文 1. 2022/04/18 We Are All Cain: Thomas Wolfe's Transformation of Biblical Myth in “The Lost Boy” │ The Explicator │ 80 (1-2),37-39頁 (単著)   2. 2022/01/18 "For the First Time, I'm Truly Panchaali": Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Reinvention of Draupadi in The Palace of Illusions │ 立命館英米文学 │ (30),44-64頁 (単著)   3. 2020/03/31 『英語文学の諸相』 「From Magical Essence to Schrodinger's Monkey: Islands in the Literature of the Indian Diaspora」 │ ,174-199頁 (単著)   4. 2019/12 Science, Imagination, and an Uncertain Future: A Response to Wai Chee Dimock's "Humans in a Non-Human Future" │ AALA Journal │ 25,33-38頁 (単著)   5. 2014/12 Pir Learning: Boundaries and the Unbounded in Jhumpa Lahiri's Fiction │ AALA Journal │ (20),66-74 (単著)   全件表示(12件) 学会発表 1. 2023/03/11 “The Entangled Self: Dōgen in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being”. (Asian American Literary Association in Japan, March Meeting) 2. 2022/06/05 Discussant's Response: Queer Futurities: Utopias, Dystopias and Disruptive Transnationalism: Gender, Environment and Religion II (Japan Association of American Studies, 56th Annual Conference) 3. 2019/09/28 Discussant's Response: Psychohistory, Translation, and Humanity's Future (AALA Forum 2019) 4. 2019/05/24 Instability of Borders in Jhumpa Lahiri’s "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine" (American Literature Association Annual Conference) 5. 2019/03/30 Reshaping the Past: Time and Its Transcendence in Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being (Timepieces: The Centre for Comparative Literature&#39;s 29th Annual Conference) 全件表示(8件) 研究高度化推進制度 1. 2018/092019/09 研究支援制度分類:学外研究制度種目:-ジュンパ・ラヒリの作品における宗教性 教育活動 ●教育に関する発表 1. 2016/07 ~ 2016/07 英米文学専攻開講の専門科目の教育方法向上について ●その他教育活動上特記すべき事項 1. 2016/02 ~ 2016/02 Introduction to Japanese Poetry 2. 2014/10 ~ 2014/10 高校等の模擬講義: An Introduction to Imagist Poetry © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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